Investing in Kuwait

Financial Times Live, fDi Intelligence and Kuwait Direct Investment Promotion Authority (KDIPA) present Investing in Kuwait. This digital dialogue is the third in a series of briefing events being held in London, Silicon Valley and online.
Join us to learn about investing in the country; engage with business leaders who are already operating in Kuwait, and find out from experts in the region about the post-Covid business environment and opportunities available.
Middle East economic outlook: How has the Covid-19 pandemic impacted on the region’s economies? What is the forecast for post-pandemic growth in the region? |
Focus on the new Kuwait: What is Kuwait’s 2035 Smart City vision? And what opportunities are there for investors? What can we learn from investors already operating in the country? |
Investing in Kuwait’s future: How is the financial sector adapting in response to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic? |
Kuwait’s capital markets and economic development: Which sectors provide the greatest opportunities for investors? And how do you capitalise on the opportunities of a Kuwaiti investment? |
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